The Ultimate Code Signing Plugin
The Venafi CodeSign Protect Plugin is an open-source plugin for Jenkins that helps to secure machines against attacks and exploits. With the plugin, you can easily build software without worrying about cybercriminals stealing or misusing code signing certificates. It signs executables, libraries, and other machine runtime artifacts with digital signatures through the Venafi CodeSign Protect platform.
You can now integrate Venafi CodeSign Protect into your build and deployment pipelines via Jenkins without custom software or one-off scripting.
Available to anyone to use and improve.
The signing keys are stored and secured separately.
DevOps Friendly
Directly integrate into your software delivery pipeline.
“Machine identity protection will become more and more important in the coming years, just like your online identity, it is a must-have.”
Gerrit Tamboer | CEO at Fullstaq
Put an End to Running Unsigned Code in Production
As software is released more and more often, developers are inadvertently responsible for code protection by signing their code. And let’s be honest: everybody sometimes fails to follow security policies – but nobody enjoys the possible consequences. Venafi already offered managed code signing with its CodeSign Protect product, but that was only available on the Venafi Trust Protection Platform.
We’ve created the Venafi CodeSign Protect Plugin in collaboration with Venafi. Now everyone can benefit from it through Jenkins. It’s a super DevOps friendly, easy to use, fast, and scalable solution to keep critical code signing processes secure and preventing key sprawl – without changing developer workflows or tools.
It’s safe to ask us any questions about the plugin.